No. of Players: 2 to 6
Suggested Age: 10 and up
Playing Time: 20 minutes
Language: English
Game Design: Sheiji Kanai, Justin Kemppainen, Alexandar Ortloff
Country of Origin: China
Card Size: 61 x 88 mm (27 pieces)
The noble Princess is looking for an ideal partner and confidant to help with her royal duties when she one day assumes the throne. You must prove your worth and gain her trust by enlisting allies, friends, and family of the Princess to carry a letter of intent to her. Can you earn the Princess' trust and become her confidant?
Playing cards one at a time, players in Love Letter use the abilities of these key people in the Princess' life to outwit their opponents and successfully deliver their letter and gain her favor. Players must utilize each character's special skill to avoid being caught and successfully deliver their letter to the Princess. Once a set number of favor tokens are acquired, that player wins and becomes the Princess' confidant.
This 2019 edition of Love Letter features new artwork by Citadels artist Andrew Bosley, screen-printed tokens, and two new characters (five cards in total) that allow for games with up to six players. When played, the Chancellor (value 6) allows you to draw two new cards, add those to your hand, then place two cards of your choice on the bottom of the deck. The Spy (value 0) wins you a favor token if you were the only player to play or discard a spy during the round.
2014 Vuoden Peli Adult Game of the Year Nominee
2014 Spiel des Jahres Recommended
2014 Origins Awards Best Traditional Card Game Winner
2014 Lys Grand Public Finalist
2014 Juego del Año Recommended
2014 Guldbrikken Best Family Game Winner
2014 Gra Roku Game of the Year Nominee
2014 Fairplay À la carte Runner-up
2013 Origins Awards Best Family, Party or Children's Game Nominee
2013 Hra roku Nominee
2013 Gouden Ludo Nominee
2013 Golden Geek Most Innovative Board Game Winner
2013 Golden Geek Best Party Board Game Winner
2013 Golden Geek Best Family Board Game Winner
2013 Golden Geek Best Card Game Winner
2013 Fairplay À la carte Runner-up
2013 Diana Jones Award for Excellence in Gaming Nominee
2012 Meeples' Choice Nominee
2012 Jocul Anului în România Beginners Finalist
2012 Japan Boardgame Prize Voters' Selection Winner
Warning! Not suitable for children under 3 years.
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